March 12, 2016

Are you tired of waking up in the morning feeling sluggish and bored with life? That’s the cardinal symptom of a depleted mojo! Without mojo, life’s gonna be a real drag. You got to get it back. When I got back from overseas in January I felt like our dog had lost her mojo, so we set about a program to get her mojo back. Every morning I’d ask her, “do you want to find your mojo?” and she’d always looks at me with a big yes. With some nice walks and runs in the park she’s got her spark back! Now, I’m asking you, do you want to get your mojo back?!

If the answer is yes, then please feed your mojo these 5 essential nutrients.

  1. Accept the present moment- it sounds so cliche, but this is a big one. Can you accept this moment exactly as it is right now? If you can’t, then you have to do something about it. If you combine non-acceptance with non-action, then what you have produced is a whinger! The definition of a whinger is someone who complains about the now but does nothing to change it. So start by accepting things as they are. Drop the need to be somewhere else, be doing something else, or be like someone else. Start by accepting you, your location, your circumstances without any judgment or critique. Phew, isn’t that a big relief.


2. Movement– this body is designed to move. Our modern lifestyle has become so sedentary that we now need to schedule exercise, gym visits and yoga classes. That’s the reality now, so it’s ok. Do whatever you can. If you can run, then run. If you can walk, then walk. If you can’t get out of the chair, then do chair stretches. At the very least, you can breathe and get that breathe moving and flowing. A stagnant river gives rise to a stench. You have to make sure that all elements in your body that need to move, do exactly that. Body, breath, digestive system, blood flow, nerves, even mind, thought and emotions. They need to move, so make sure you give them that.


3. Attitude- this is something we choose. We can either choose positive or negative. A positive attitude has so many awesome spin offs. It enables you to try new things, face challenges, and to broaden your horizons. If you look at everything as a chore and a difficulty, then life will be tough. Learn how to see the positive in every situation. Positivity is a muscle that you need to exercise. Only by practice does positivity become part of your nature.

4. Fun– mojo is synonymous with joy, fun and exuberance. It’s not just something that you reserve for holidays and vacations. You can infuse any task or situation with fun, joy and exuberance. It’s like the child who wakes up on xmas day ready to open the presents. It’s a two way thing. Choose activities that bring you to life and conversely, infuse that life into everything you do. As a result you develop presence, charisma and magnetism. People will naturally want to be with you. You get known as being upbeat, relaxed and fun.


5. High prana lifestyle- in yoga we talk of a life force known as prana. Prana is energy in movement. It’s life energy. It’s prana that makes everything move and function. Take a heart that is alive and beating. According to yoga, it is prana that makes it beat. As soon as the life force is gone, the heart stops beating. Certain items are high in prana- fresh foods, fruits, vegetables and nuts; water; milk, ghee and honey; fresh air and sunshine; places of natural beauty like mountains, rivers and oceans; adequate sleep; meditation, mindfulness and transcendence. You can literally feel it when you develop a high prana lifestyle. People with high levels of prana develop a glow. You can see it in their  skin and in their eyes.

Just like my dog Timba, I hope these 5 essential nutrients help you to get your mojo back!

In Health and Wellness