Add some intensity with Tabata training

July 30, 2014

If you are keen to ramp up your fitness and you are already capable of increasing your heart rate in a modest fashion, then doing 1 or 2 sessions of Tabata per week can really get your metabolism firing. Dr Tabata is a Japanese scientist who showed that short periods of high intensity exercise is more effective than the conventional long distance training for increasing metabolism, and yes, burning unwanted fat.

I introduced this into my cross-training routine about 1 year ago under the instruction of a personal trainer. Word of warning, this can be very intense, and it is important to know your body and what it can handle. If you are new to exercise, then get clearance from your doctor and do this with a trained professional.

Essentially it gets your heart rate up very high, very quickly for a short period of time. It includes 20 second “work periods” and is punctuated by 10 second rest periods. You can choose any exercises. I usually go with squats, push ups, burpees, mountain-climbers, tuck jumps, dips, full plank, side plank, sit ups, with a nice stretch at the end. Be prepared to be drenched in a pool of sweat. It is a hardcore workout.

There are free apps that can be downloaded on your smartphone.

Look it up and give it a try!

In Health and Wellness