Are worries holding you back?

July 13, 2014

These South American worry dolls are given to children to keep under their pillows to help them allay any worry, fears or concerns.

It is perfectly normal to experience anxiety to various extents at some point time in our lives.Worry, anxiety, fear and panic are a part of a spectrum of changes. The worried-well, low-level, ever-present background type anxiety, can often prevent an individual from enjoying and  participating in life to it’s full extent.

Only if you are prepared to fail, does the possibility of succeeding even arise. This is true when it comes to health also.

Sometimes it is useful to dedicate “worrying” time into the schedule. During this time, you are permitted to worry as much as you like about anything no matter how irrational. Once the timer stops, the worrying is dropped. You may elect to write down your worries, as well as why those worries have no independent validity.

One component of graduating to a mature mind is learning how to let go of attachments to the  result. Focusing on what needs to be done in any desired situation and then surrendering the need to control the outcome is a very freeing feeling. This is both an inherent and learned skill.

Once you have developed the ability of being detached from the outcome, you can apply yourself to the moment at hand 100% without anxiety coming in the way.

In Health and Wellness