Can’t we leave the humble coconut in peace?

Does anyone else get irritated by the latest fad, the new superfood, or the greatest new thing on the block? I certainly do. The poor old coconut! It is such a simple fruit with a tasty nectar from the Gods and delicious fruit on

5 easy ways to slow things down….

We live in such a face paced life that sometime it is necessary to consciously slow down. In fact these can be incorporated into our daily lives to keep a check on things and stop life from racing out of control. It

Is there really “a healthiest diet”?

Did you see the articles in the news about the “World’s healthiest diet?” It is basically a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. Certainly it has benefits, as most of us tend to eat far too high a proportion of carbohydrates. Too much

Knitting- finding a purpose is good for health

Today I met a delightful 87 year old lady who came to see me regarding urinary infections. After the usual discussion, tests and prescription, I asked her how she spent her day. She said, “Doctor, I am an enthusiastic knitter.  I am

Choose your company wisely

The people you associate with are intimately connected with the way you live your life. If you are aspiring for a healthier lifestyle, observe the people around you who appear to be in radiant health and exude a sense of calm and

If it’s cancer, it’s cancer- the role of fear and denial in sickness

This week we had a young gentleman present to hospital with a 16cm testicular cancer. How someone can walk around with a giant swelling for so long without seeking medical advice is hard to fathom. On average it takes 2-3 months from the