November 25, 2015

My golf buddy Sanjay was asking me yesterday which exercise that I would do, if I could only choose one. My answer would have to be the burpee.

It’s a fantastic compound exercise using your own body weight which uses a whole lot of different muscle groups whilst activating the core. It can get fairly intense the more you do, so make sure you have checked on your age, ability and general fitness before trying this. If you are young and fit, then go nuts, push yourself hard, and build up your strength and stamina. If you are not, then start slowly, and go more gradually. Here’s the link.


You really don’t need a gym to keep fit. A pair of running shoes and a simple understanding of some basic exercises and you are fully equipped to keep your body in good shape. It’s not just about looking good, though this is a nice side benefit and helps how you feel. These exercises all have functional implications. Many of the wear and tear problems that we see as doctors are due to the supporting structures and core scaffold not being strong enough. When that happens, it puts more stress, strain and load on our joints.

So why not add a few burpees into your weekly fitness routine?!

Be Well

In Health and Wellness