December 26, 2015

The new age notion of “do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be, yeah” as a means of freedom is actually a path to pain. When you only do what you want to do, this makes doing the alternative i.e. doing what you don’t want to do, one of suffering. Very often in life, the thing that we don’t want to do, is the very thing that needs to be done.

This is a different way of approaching life. If you simply set a set of foundational pillars in your life that are “not-negotiable” and not based on like or dislike but are aimed primarily at your long term well being then you have actually chosen a path of freedom. Not only have you freely chosen what needs to be done, the result that springs from this will give you the freedom to achieve more. And although these choices may involve some temporary short term discomfort, in the long term you will gain exponentially.


So as we move towards the start of a New Year, create a list of disciplines that you wish to include as pillars of wellness to move your health in a positive direction. Some of my pillars that I have had for many years are:

  1. the rise at 5am habit
  2. daily practice of meditation
  3. daily suryanamaskar (sun salute) and yoga
  4. exercise 3-5 times per week (jog, gym, high intensity training)
  5. fruits, boiled eggs, nuts, raw veggies twice a week


Make your own list, print it out, laminate it, and stick it in prominent places to remind you of what needs to be done.

Be Well

In Health and Wellness