November 16, 2015

It’s been a heavy weekend with the events of Paris and Lebanon. Sydney of course experienced terrorism first hand this year also. Nowhere is immune, but we can not be paralysed by fear. Did you see the French crowd leaving the stadium singing the National anthem. Inspirational!

It’s all the more reason that we must go forth into the world boldly, forging out our passions and following our dreams. If we are not living life fully then we are not really living anyway. So go forth with purpose and passion, but tread on this planet gently and with care. Look at others through the lens of compassion rather than that of competition. This world is abundant and there’s enough for everyone. Such is the generosity of nature.


Seek out one way that you can commit to making a difference in someone’s life. This game of life is a team effort and it takes a community to live it well. They say it takes a tribe to raise a child. I would extend that to “it takes a tribe to live a full and successful life”. There’s no such thing as a “self-made person”. So gather together. Ring someone you have been meaning to contact. Catch up and lend a hand. There is no greater reward in life, than being a servant of humanity. Let the kings drink their wine and gorge on berries. There’s real work to be done!

Be Well

In Health and Wellness