October 8, 2017

We all want to be healthy. We all know what we need to do to achieve health. Yet, we can all struggle at times to maintain healthy habits. If we get off a healthy lifestyle for long enough, then it becomes even more difficult to get back on it. But it needs to become more than a fad, a phase or a passing trend. A healthy lifestyle, needs to become just that- a way of life. Once it becomes established, then you can have a break or blow-out without any risk. You will have become naturally programmed to return back to health.

Your body and mind will feel it and crave for it. In order for this to happen naturally, you need to utilise the power of momentum. Physics defines momentum as, “The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity”. In simple terms, once an object is in motion, the combination of it’s weight and it’s speed self propels it, independent of any outside force. Momentum is what happens once the process is in motion. This applies to food habits, exercise, meditation practice, and even other habits such as savings.

Initially it is difficult. You need to push against natural inertia. Your body will feel lazy to exercise. Your mind will feel stubborn to meditate. And your tongue will take you towards the cookie jar instead of the fruit bowl! This is when you need to show yourself some tough love. Time to find some will power. You need to find reasons that are strong and compelling enough to make the change. Believe me, there will be obstacles. Your body may protest from the muscles you never knew you had. Your mind may resist by becoming more restless when you sit for meditation. Sometimes, it’s even your family or friendship group that struggles because you refuse to have a drink or stay up late.

You need to find a way.

Years of neglect will eventually take you a tipping point from which it is very difficult to recover. Take matters into your own hands today. Start with a walk. Remind yourself how good a fruit tastes. Spend time in nature. Remember the miracle of breathing…

In Health and Wellness
