February 14, 2016

“What’s the point of entering rapturous states of meditation, having out of body experiences, or communicating with other life forms, if you can’t love your partner with all your heart”. That’s a rough excerpt from my interview tonight at 6pm on ABC Radio National with Rachael Kohn on the Spirit of Things.

Today’s Valentines Day, so it’s timely that we discuss spirituality in daily life and how it applies to love and relationships. It has been an observation that many people turn to meditation to try and “get away” from what’s happening in the here and now. It’s a form of escape that is healthier than hitting the bottle, but nevertheless, it can be a way of avoiding the present moment. I’ve heard so often, “spiritual sorts”, talk about there meditatory experiences of leaving their physical bodies, communicating with spirits, or experiencing pure bliss. I say, “that’s great, but really, what’s the point unless it impacts how you live your life, and more importantly, how it influences your relationships”?


Practical spirituality refers to how you live your life on a day to day basis. It’s about making the mundane magical. It’s about bringing a spark to that which we find challenging. In essence, that which can weigh us down can serve as our greatest source of liberation, even more than any transient experience that is had with eyes closed in the lotus position. Can you accept and embrace fully the person that you have chosen to be with, without trying to change them? Are you helping your partner to express their own full potential rather than using them to fulfill your own needs? Can you just love wholeheartedly with no strings attached?


So on this Day of St. Valentine, have a think about what it means to be spiritual. It’s not “something out there”! Its right here, right now! Human love is your stepping stone to Divine love:)

Be Well

In Health and Wellness