The Collective Sway

July 5, 2014

I am sure many of us have experienced the reaction of friends and family when we make the decision to be healthy. Often the first thing that happens, is that a whole host of forces seem to spring up to bring us back down to our unconscious patterns of behaviour. Th effect of the collective consciousness in society is a huge unconscious force that drives many societal and cultural behaviour patterns.

At times when we make changes, it is necessary to pull ourselves out of the conventional sway of society. Whilst our system is becoming more self-sufficient and integrated, we may even need to avoid certain contacts and influences till a level of maturity ensues where you are able to make fully conscious decisions.

This is one of the reasons I consider an early waking time to be bordering on critical. The collective unconscious is steeped in inertia (otherwise known as Tamas in Sanskrit). In order to move to greater states of awareness, waking at a time earlier than the rest of society is one of the easiest way to separate from the collective sway.

Try waking between 5 and 6am. You can read a book, do some yoga, go for a walk, do some meditation or anything that takes your fancy. You can unlock yourself from the collective unconscious with this very simple action.

In Health and Wellness