February 18, 2016

I was chatting to a farmer yesterday about his farm and he was telling me how he lost several cows recently from childbirth. Bleeding, ruptured uterus, mastitis and infections were some of the causes of death. His belief was that modern day farming practices driven by economics was leading to cows having to calve much more frequently than they were intended to. As a result he has had to change his practices to find a better balance.


I enjoy speaking to farmers because they are generally very straightforward. Simple is not the correct word to describe them. I’d prefer to say that they have a deep connection to the land and that creates an understanding and reverence for nature. Farmers rise before the sun to milk cows and they get to bed early. Their rhythm is more in tune to the rise and fall of the sun. They naturally have to adapt to the changing seasons.


In comparison, city living is far removed from nature and we see people are busy and stressed and find it hard to sleep. A month on the farm would set many of those “city problems” straight! These days many kids go on exotic exchange programs from the city to France or Italy. This is wonderful life experience and reflects the globalisation that’s occurring in our world. But it would be just as valuable if city kids did a 3 month placement working on a farm and learning about the ways of nature.

Worth pondering!

Be Well

In Health and Wellness