June 7, 2016

At various times we all feel life racing  by too fast with no time to stop and catch our breath. Most of it is of course completely self inflicted. That’s lesson #1! Yes that’s right, much of the busyness and rush that we find ourselves is due to the very choices that we have made. But I hear the masses saying, “but I have to pay my mortgage” or “I have to pay for the school fees”, or “I really need that holiday to Noosa twice a year!” It’s all completely topsy turvy.

The first step to leading a more balanced life is to accept that the way we live is entirely our own doing. Don’t blame the kids, your partner, the economy, your stockbroker, or anyone else. Own it as your very own unique creation. Only once you have done that is there any chance of claiming back your life.  In many ways, slowing down seems way too hard. For that reason, you need to establish multiple “brakes” in your life, in your day, and in all your routines. 


Consider these brakes like non negotiable speedhumps on your travels. They MAKE you slow down whether you want to or not. Now, on a positive note, you get to choose your own speedhumps. You may want to grab a pen and paper and write some of these things down. For me, when i find things getting a bit too frantic, I go back to a period of quiet 20 minutes twice a day. You can make it meditation, reflection or quiet contemplation. Even if you need a cup of tea or coffee to nurse you during this time, thats ok. But during this time, allow yourself to be quiet and mindful.


Other useful speedhumps are standing up from your desk and stretching every hour; going for a 20 minute walk during your lunch break; heading to a place in nature once a week for a bush or coastal walk; or even scheduling in a health retreat twice a year. In this day and age, we need to be more vigilant than ever before and it pays to actually block things out in your calendar. At the end of every year, I sit down with my calendar and block out a week off every 3 months. As I’m fortunate to be in my own private practice, I also schedule in a game of golf early on a Wednesday morning. My other favourite speedhumps are exercise, yoga, and walking the dog. For some of us, deleting social media apps off our phone such as Facebook, Whats App, Instagram and Twitter can free up a lot of time and mindspace!

Finally, consider dropping the notion that being frantically busy is some kind of “badge of honour”. It is just the opposite. It’s actually a form of insanity that you work so hard that you make yourself sick or your marriage breaks down. Being excessively busy is UNCOOL, UNFASHIONABLE and UNINTELLIGENT!


Hope I haven’t made too many enemies! That’s Ok, it’s all for your own health! Take charge today!

In Health and wellness
