December 1, 2015

When I hear what our kids have learned in school sometimes, it really makes me annoyed. They learn so much that really carries no life utility whatsoever. They need to be imparted the wisdom of life through stories and games without it all becoming a big philosophical bore. At the end of twelve years of school how many are worldly wide and street smart enough to head out into the world with confidence and awareness? Mostly our kids end up stumbling from one thing to another.

This includes vocation, finances, relationships and even opinions. The two big ones that can really alter one’s sense of well-being are work and partner. It is so important that you follow a course and work-path that brings you alive. It has to make you excited and passionate. Or else, your soul will die a little bit each day. The love and enthusiasm that you bring into your life is food for your soul. If you get that right and it’s combined with an understanding of societal need then boom, you’ve got an important pillar of your life sorted out. Expose kids to the full spectrum of possibilities and let them find their way.


The other big decision is who you choose as a life partner. This is usually such a complex interplay of emotions, irrationality, fate, karma and destiny that sometimes it appears that we have no real control. “It was meant to be…” is often how the evolution of any relationship is described. That’s all great when everything turns out well. But not when it all unravels into a mess. Though emotions, lust and love may bring you together, all enduring relationships somehow settle into a deeper more stable state of acceptance, contentment and humour.

I see it all the time in my older patients who have been married for 50+ years. They have realised that life is not perfect and nor are the human beings that inhabit it. Ultimately, it is this wisdom that is the glue that holds things together.

If you don’t get these two right, don’t worry. Life will always give you a way to get back on track and live your fullest and happiest life.

Become aware. Become a conscious choice-maker. Then go forth with confidence.

In Health and Wellness