February 20, 2016

We all want that magic elixir to eternal youth, exuberant physical health, unbounded energy, and figures to match. Who wouldn’t? If you have the option of feeling awesome versus feeling just ok, then we would all definitely choose the former. And what if there was one thing that you could take that would help you to achieve your health goals?


Well, there are plenty of supplements that are touted to get you there. Spirulina, colloidal silver, kombucha, turmeric, ashwangandha, muringa, kale, quinoa and the list goes on and on. Let me state this quite categorically. There is no substitute for a foundation of sensible baseline  habits. It’s a little boring compared to the exciting claims of the superfoods which seem to cure every cancer and chronic disease. Perhaps I have a “selection bias” issue, because I see many patients who have tried all these things which have ultimately failed and then they present for good modern medical care. I may not see the patients who have experienced the positive benefits hence the selection bias.


I’m not against supplementation, but the important thing is that they supplement an already sound base of good nutrition, regular physical movement, strength and flexibility, happiness, connectedness, along with a life of purpose. So go ahead and take your superfood supplement, but make sure you have all the other bases covered!

Be well

In Health and Wellness