July 7, 2014

Generally I am opposed to the new-age positive thinking philosophy. Any artificial “propping-up” of the psyche can only be maintained for so long, before it comes crashing down. However, it does have its place like everything in life.

One method is to reflect back to a time in your life of unbridled positivity, then visualise and evoke all the positive emotions associated with that state, and lock it in with a clenched fist and an affirmation such as “yes”. There are times in life, when we have to dig deep, and it can be very useful to focus our energies and will in a highly concentrated laser beam fashion. You maybe preparing for an event, an exam, a job interview, a business meeting or anything that requires you to be on your top game.

I often go back to this moment in Nepal when we crossed a very dangerous pass called the Ganga La Pass. We were close to 6000metres in altitude with no proper mountaineering equipment.  the pass was 1 foot wide, all snowed over, 50 foot in length, with rocks to the right, and a sheer death drop to the left. It was highly unexpected and unanticipated (except to the Sherpa), but we crossed it successfully.

Whenever, I need an extra “shot” of bravado, confidence or courage, I take myself back to the Ganga La Pass.

I would love to hear if you have a Ganja La moment