August 21, 2016

You may have seen my post yesterday where i’m hooked up to leads having my heart checked out. I must explain! As part of life insurance checks, I had to have a stress test and the medical team requested a further test to check on a minor abnormality. Thankfully it all came back Ok. But in that moment of not knowing, before the test, there is always the possibility that it could be abnormal. These “moments” are highly potent because they carry the possibility to change one’s life in a major way.


As doctors we see it with our patients every day. I have seen big burly grown men burst into tears when they are told they don’t have prostate cancer. I observe moments of huge relief when their first scan or blood test comes back clear. And I share the pain and heartbreak of a new cancer diagnosis that needs treatment.

Doctors are sometimes the worst patients and i am sure that i am no exception. On the morning of the test I came to the decision that I would accept the result whatever it might be. Anyway, it was not something that I could change. What was in my control however was my reaction to the result. It all came back clear which was a big relief. Live to fight another day!!!


But it does serve as a reminder of the stress that our patients go through on their own life and health journey.

In Health and Wellness