August 31, 2016

We all get so caught up in day to day life, sometimes just struggling to get through each day whilst maintaining sanity, that it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Even on holidays it’s go, go, go, do, do, do. We never really stop and reflect. I completed my specialty training exams in 2006. Wow, how quickly has the last 10 years gone. I’ve now got a 15 year old lad and a 12 year old daughter. I’ve no doubt that the next 10 will flash by just as fast!

It’s worth stopping periodically to reflect on life. How’s it all proceeding? Is it unfolding the way you want? Are you getting happier and more fulfilled as each year goes on? Or are you getting bitter and jaded with life? What is it that you truly want to get out of life and are you on track to achieve it? How are your relationships and are their any old rifts that need healing? Are you fulfilled in your career and can you see yourself growing further over the next 10 years?


Otherwise life will just go on in autopilot and before you know it your old and none the wiser nor happier. At the end of our lives we should be able to look in the mirror and say loud and proud, “NO REGRETS”.

I like to withdraw every year from regular life (which i truly love by the way), and take a few days for a deep inner pause. I use the time to get good sleep, move my body with yoga and running and gym, go into some sweet inner realms of meditation, and go through a process of review of the past and current and set goals for the future. Letting go of stresses and strains and renewing with rest and relaxation sets up the system for the next cycle. Like the archer draws the bow back to fire, we also need to recluse within ourselves in order to give our best to the world.


Have a think about it and plan a few days away every year. Nature, mountains, oceans, beaches and forests will help you step back into your rhythm!

Enjoy your pause!

In Health and Wellness
