July 2, 2018

Sometimes when people discuss service, it is considered to be a free transaction. It maybe this way, but it need not be also. Service really refers to the way the action is executed. Whether there is a financial transaction is irrelevant. Whether there is recognition for the work carried out is unimportant. The main criteria for service is that there is joy in giving. There is pure pleasure in making another person’s life a bit better.

We are all capable of service. It can occur on a small scale within the home. It can extend to our workplace and in our relationships. It maybe charitable or it maybe paid. Or it can be bigger and wider extending to communities and counties. There are many examples of individuals who served in ways much bigger than their small individual selves. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, just to name a few. They had a vision and a cause that was big, and even though there was risk to themselves and their own survival, their purpose to serve carried them through all adversity. Service need not be on a grand scale though.

Nothing goes unrecognised in this grand unknowable scheme that we call the universe. Every little thing matters. And in the realms of the beyond, there is no greater quality than service. In yoga, we talk of “karma yoga”. The yoga of action. It is performing action without any attachment to the results. This is considered one of the main paths towards liberation. We perform action for a reason and a result, but we relinquish any further ownership or possession. The arrow has been fired for a cause much bigger and broader than this small self, and that is the only thing that remains within our control. Fundamentally, the end result of service is that it improves the lot of others. The universe in turn responds.

For the individual who has lived a life of true devoted service, there is nothing to fear. Even when death comes knocking, they are at peace and know that all is well. They will be carried into the void beyond this life with safety and surety. When I worked in a palliative care, this was my observation. I have no experience of the metaphysical, nor do I know what lies beyond, however, I did notice that individuals who had lived lives of service, went in great peace. And in their passing there was often great peace in the room after the final breath had ensued.

Although we all have our lives to manage with work and money and relationships and problems, we can all evaluate our lives and see how we can infuse it with an attitude of service.

Hope that wasn’t too philosophical!

I’m on a week of holidays and that can happen to me!!!

In Health and Wellness


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  1. Bill Pyman

    Thanks Ranjit, definitely not too Philosphical
    just very practical and real.
    I always appreciate what you post.

    1:27 pm on 7/9/18
  2. Ranjit Rao

    Thanks Bill!

    1:57 pm on 7/9/18