This body is going to wear out…..

July 28, 2014

Whilst it is important to keep the body functioning well and in good shape, excessive focus on it can take you away from the main game. No matter how much yoga you do; no matter how good your diet is; and no matter how many marathons you complete, the body is going to wear down. That is the nature of the body.

So go easy . Do what is required for the general upkeep of the body without it becoming a full time occupation. Sure, if you want to push yourself to various limits of speed, strength, flexibility or endurance go ahead and enjoy the challenge, but remember one day the body will slow down. That is part of life.

But if all your happiness depends on the body you are in trouble! What are you doing to keep the vitality, love and spirit alive. This is what will endure this lifetime and maybe into the next if you believe in that kind of thing! What do you do to nurture the spirit? How much love are you able to feel, receive and share?

Yes look after the body, but don’t neglect the spirit. Being spiritual is not some airy-fairy, incense-laden, mumbo-jumbo! It is about how much love you infuse into every activity no matter how mundane it seems. Don’t confuse spirituality with the action. It is how you perform the action that matters. You can be equally spiritual as a businessman, a banker, a doctor, a tradie, a butcher, a prostitute, an abattoir worker, an accountant or a lawyer.

Find out what ignites your inner fire, and give it your daily attention.

In Health and Wellness