5 easy ways to slow things down….

August 28, 2014

We live in such a face paced life that sometime it is necessary to consciously slow down. In fact these can be incorporated into our daily lives to keep a check on things and stop life from racing out of control. It doesn’t mean you have to do things slowly all the time. That will only drive your friends, family and colleagues up the wall. In fact no one even needs to know. It can be your little secret.

1) Breath- the breathing is so intimately connected to everything we do and the way we feel. Simply drawing our attention back to the breath on a regular basis is a highly efficient way of slowing down. Do it when the phone rings, or every time you step out of your car. Whatever your trigger, just focus on 3 slow deep breaths and let go of any tension.

2) Walk- if you often find yourself in a powerwalk trying to complete each activity on your “to-do-list”, then try slowing that down too. You will find that you still get everything done, but with a greater sense of calm and control.

3) Eat- how often do you find yourself wolfing down a sandwich in between meetings? We may not have the luxury of a lazy 4 course meal every lunch time, but the simple act of paying attention to what you are eating is a very valuable act, that will enable you to enjoy your food, and improve your health.

4) Disconnect- the internet technology has made us go a million miles an hour. Observe children and how they are unable to settle without an iphone, iPad, computer or other screen device. Adults find more excuses not to disconnect because we somehow consider our connections more important. Define some boundaries on a daily basis that reduce the constant “checking” of mails, messages and notifications.

5) Get away– try a holiday where you do very little. Beaches are often a wonderful way to settle down, stop, and absorb in nature. Plenty of walks, sleeps, massage, and you will find the system completely reset. The challenge is maintaining this state very day, and the above methods will go a long way to keep the balance.

Love to hear some “slow down stories”!

In Health and Wellness