May 3, 2016

If you straighten your back, raise your chin, open your eyes and look around, you will see countless reasons to feel inspired. Every single day, your everyday colleague, neighbour, friend, or family member is stepping upto life. It’s not easy for many.

When I reflect back, the only time I thought I had it all sorted was as a cocky young teenager. But that’s ok. That was the time to feel invincible and immortal. That’s a time in our lives when we associate more with our spirit, or in other words, with that part that never changes from birth to death. In the ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas, the phrase “neti neti” is used to explain this etheric non material entity called the Atman or spirit. It can be literally translated as “not this, not this”, which means that everything that we think we are, “we are not”. Getting too deep?!


And as we grow older, life serves us a series of reminders to help us realise this fact. Eventually with everything that we are attached to, we are reminded that it does not last. It is transient and short-lived in the grand scheme. Our possessions, our wealth, our nearest and dearest, and even our very own bodies we do not own. Imagine if we can look at life with the understanding that everyone is on this learning journey. It’s like this life is one big school, from kindergarten to graduation. And when we graduate, we exit with a maturity that “the little teddy bear that we once clung to, is not the real thing”.


Everyone is on that journey so be inspired by “the child who is striving to fulfill her dreams”, “the little old man who struggles to put coins in the traffic metre”, and “the grumpy lady in the hospital cafeteria”! Everyone is fighting a battle that you have no idea about. See if you can bring a smile to their faces. It maybe that one thing that gives them faith in humanity when their chips are really down. “That someone, even if it was a stranger, actually cares”.

Peace, peace, peace.

In Health and Wellness
