One of the facts of life is that there are many things outside of our control. A life skill is learning to take positive action of that within our control and letting go of the rest.
In the field of medicine, unfortunately disease happens such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis or cancer. Often but not always, there are lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of disease. But very often it’s just a stroke of bad luck, karma or whatever you wish to call it that results in a very challenging situation.
If you are able to stay calm in the face of adversity, you will have a far better chance of making the right decision. Making the right decision includes choosing the right practitioner for your condition; taking the necessary medicine; going through the necessary surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy; and considering complementary therapies that support the entire process. One of the best methods for maintaining calm is meditation. If you are an experienced meditator you will more than likely stay in balance through the process. If you have never meditated before then it’s a good time to learn some simple techniques. It will be a huge benefit, especially if you are confined to lying in bed and convalescing for extended periods of time. Try one of the Apps such as 1Giant Mind or Smiling Mind.
Or if you wish to go a bit deeper, commit yourself to a course in meditation through one of the many reputable meditation organisations. If you are in a constant state of rumination about things outside of your control then you will not be helping your situation. In fact you will be depleting yourself of mental and physical energy. Staying calm does not mean inertia though. From these silent depths exist the ability to whip into a storm of energy and activity when it’s needed. There’s a big difference between this kind of outpouring and the unrestrained frenzy of an untrained mind.
Worth pondering!
In Health and Wellness