Can’t we leave the humble coconut in peace?

August 29, 2014

Does anyone else get irritated by the latest fad, the new superfood, or the greatest new thing on the block? I certainly do. The poor old coconut! It is such a simple fruit with a tasty nectar from the Gods and delicious fruit on the inside, but is it the magic elixir that it’s been made out to be?

Back in the old days when my father was in medical student, they used to hang the coconut upside down and use it as an intravenous fluid. It must be fairly close to a physiological solution. Then we went through an era where scientists said that all things coconut were evil. Coconut oil, coconut fruit, and even coconut water. Even n the fertile green lands of Kerala where people lived on coconuts and all it’s byproducts, the people lived well into their 90’s, including my dear late Grandmother.

Can we not just let the humble coconut live a simple existence without trying to dissect out the “active ingredient”! In the meantime, just enjoy it. It’s a good drink and it’s tasty!

In Health and Wellness