Did you say the “B-word”?

August 4, 2014

Many people seem to say to me, “Ranjit, you sure seem to have the work-life balance sorted out”. Yes it’s true but it’s not an accident. My parents gave me the good fortune of education and stability, and thankfully I made some sensible choices along the way. Since completing surgical training, during which there were several years of intense, consciously-chosen BUSYNESS, I have been vigilant of not falling into the unconscious trap of being busy at the expense of things I enjoy.

I love my work, but I have no intention of being so busy that it takes over my life. I value spending time with family, friends; exercising; practicing yoga; writing; holidaying; and golfing. I have these priorities scheduled into my weekly and yearly calendar. Everything else has to “fall into slot” around them.

There are weeks when surgical demands take over, and it feels like I have lost control, but as soon as the dust has settled, I get things back on track. It’s a little like riding a bicycle. Occasionally the bike gets off balance and we need to correct to prevent from falling. Sometimes life gives us a little kick too. We push ourselves so hard and end up with an illness that forces us to reassess our lives.

Do the questionnaire or simply download my free “Busyness Blaster”.

The principles are common-sense. I have integrated them into my life over the years and found them helpful and I hope they maybe helpful for you too.

In Health and Wellness