Find a way, not an excuse….

August 5, 2014

It’s too cold; it’s too early; it’s too dark; I’m too old; I’m too tired; I don’t have any clothes; I won’t know anyone; I look terrible; I’m not a morning person. In every moment there are a million ways to find an excuse not to choose well. This applies with exercise; food choices; meditation; and even how we feel. When it comes to exercise, we have all used one of these at some point in time.

Currently in Melbourne, Australia, the temperatures have been arctic! It’s a great time of the year to try a casual class at the gym. We are so spoilt for choice here. Body pump; body attack; body combat; zumba; yoga; Pilates; boxing; dancing, there are so many ways to choose to get moving.

If you have never really exercised in a gym before then a great way to get started is with a personal trainer. You may start with two 30 minute classes every week, and once you feel comfortable, you can reduce that to once a week. Find a buddy to train with and commit to each other. Give yourself rewards along the way. Once the habit is established, there’s no looking back!

Find a way, not an excuse

In Health and Wellness