How to Prep for Surgery
Any surgical procedure is a stressful experience. Human being are hardwired differently. Some people are able to take it “in their stride” whilst for others it can be incredibly challenging even for a minor intervention.

Here’s a few tips to assist you with your journey.
- Be adequately informed.
Each individual requires a certain level of information to make an informed choice about their procedure. Make sure you are happy with the depth of information you have received and asked all your questions. Rarely is there a need to rush into an elective surgery, so take the time to do your own reading and research. If needed, make a list of questions and email that through to the surgeon prior to your consultation. If you need additional reassurance then request a second opinion. As surgeons we are quite comfortable with you doing that if necessary.
Whilst it is good to read up, be a little careful with online information and forums that may be more confusing and counterproductive. Your General practitioner is also a trusted source of reliable information.

2. Read your paperwork and check medications.
Be sure to go through the paperwork carefully. Key items include:
- time of admission
- time of fasting
- medications that may need to be ceased such as blood thinners or diabetic drugs
- someone to drive you home

3. Managing stress and emotions.
Once you have made the decision to go ahead and having covered the checklist above, then it’s helpful to have a plan to manage any emotional stress. Here’s a few tips.
- Distraction- bring a book to read or Netflix to watch on your phone or listen to some music or a podcast
- Breathing, Meditation, Visualisation- use any techniques that help allay nerves. Theres some on my website.
- Trust- have faith in your team that is well trained and equipped to do the best possible job for you.
- Acceptance-that is normal to have some nerves and that everything will go well.

Hope that maybe helpful
Best wishes