January 3, 2016

I’m currently travelling in Southern India. Whist spending a few days over New Years eve in a place called Chikamangalur which is amidst the coffee and pepper estates of the Western Ghats, we heard about some very ancient and holy temple sites. Some of these are completely off the beaten track, even for those who are frequent temple devotees.

In Hindu mythology there are three main deities which represent the forces of destruction, creation and preservation, namely Siva, Brahma and Vishnu. Each of these have various forms. One of the forms of Siva is called Kalabhairava. In a place called Devaramane, there is a temple dedicated to this form dating back 1000 years. The other deity is called Nanya Bhairaveshwar and is reasonably close by.


Through the practice of mantra (sound) and consecration (infusing the form with energy), these deities become a perpetual emanation of high energy. If one is sensitive enough, the minute you come into this space, you pick up on this energy. And if one has a regular meditation or spiritual practice, these high energy centres can enhance one’s practice and experience. These temple locations are not randomly chosen. They are specifically chosen in locations that will support their purpose, that is, to be a source of positive reverberation.


I’m not in favour of sharing personal experiences in meditation because firstly, they are not the main objective, and secondly, such sharing can just be the shadow of the ego trying to flex some spiritual superiority. I can say however, that I found these locations to be highly concentrated and charged loci of energy. I very quickly and effortlessly transcended into a deep and silent space.  Many such places can also be found in nature. Mountains, waterfalls, rivers and natural caves may all have their own inherent pulse that can be tuned into and for that reason, one of the things we should all have on a regular basis, is time in nature.

So as we move into the first week of 2016, be mindful of scheduling some nature time every week.


Be Well

In Health and Wellness