It’s healthy to Hang Loose!

August 18, 2014

I was running along the Yarra river banks yesterday and spotted a whole lot of bats hanging upside down . According to yoga, the inverted poses can be very beneficial for the thyroid and pituitary glands, as well as having many other benefits .

I always liked the surfing expression “hang loose”. There’s a certain beauty in watching a surfer out on the waves. Relaxed and in balance but with just enough tension. It is important to develop the skill of hanging loose.

hang loose

When I run, I maintain a strong core but with relaxed arms and legs. In yoga asanas, there is a certain amount of tension that is necessary but then it is so nice to hang loose in the pose. In meditation and yoga nidra (yogic sleep), I focus on letting my jaw hang loose. On the golf course, I establish a strong base, and then allow the hands and small muscles and breath to hang loose.

Think about your life and hang loose!

In Health and Wellness