January 5, 2016

One of the things I love when I’m travelling in india is trying all the different tropical vegetables. Kovakai fry is a very tasty dish. It’s a little bitter like all members of the gourd family, and with a little chilli and salt and spices, it is absolutely delicious.


Traditionally, the fruits have been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis, and jaundice. The fruits have anti allergic properties by stabilising mast cells. They have also been used to treat arthritic conditions. It has sugar regulating and antioxidant properties. It’s high in beta carotene.

You can find ivy gourd which is also known as baby watermelon in most of the asian groceries. Expand your horizons this year with a few new veggies! Give kovakai a try!

Be Well

In Health and Wellness