March 18, 2016

Since writing “Meditation and Martini-the subtle cocktail of balance”, I’ve come to be known as the  “balance doc”! Mostly that’s the case and I attribute that to a decent dose of organisation; good planning;  early waking; meditation and yoga; and some regular exercise. But the reality of life is that everyone goes through patches where things outside our control pop up, and we just have to stay afloat!

That’s been me in the last couple of weeks. Even my once a week  golf had to take a back seat. “No way” I can hear my close friends exclaiming! But yes, that’s how it has been. Apart from my regular work that consists of consulting and operating, there were a number of emergency and out-of-hours surgeries that I had to do. Additionally, we’ve got a new medical premises that continues to pop up annoying teething problems that require more time on the phone, SMS, and email than I would normally like.


When things get out of whack, the tendency is to gravitate towards a less healthy lifestyle. Junk food, soft drinks and sedentary lifestyle can start to creep in. So when I notice those tendencies starting to pop up, I make sure I do enough “healthy” to keep things afloat. That meant doing a daily walk instead of the daily run; consciously drinking more water and eating a fruit a day when you feel like opening a packet of chips; and including conscious short meditations to maintain the balance.

And when you come out the other side and things settle back to normal, you give yourself a pat on the back for not completely “writing off” the week. If you can just hang in there with enough of “the healthy”, then when the storm clears, you can easily get back into he routine and lifestyle that you prefer.


I’m having a quiet Friday night!

I hope you are doing what you want!

Take care
