Know the flow- it’s good for your career!

August 12, 2014

One of the most challenging things for many people is choosing their career path. Let’s face it, this is something that will occupy much of our time, so it’s important to get right. Is it simply a matter of doing what you love? How important is money? Is there a path you are “meant” to take?

Life is simple, but at the same time incredibly complex. The decision is a combination of intellect and emotion, head and heart. If you choose a career based on safety and surety but you have no love for the job, the result is a financially secure but very dry existence. If you choose something that you are passionate about, but the market is already saturated, or the market has no interest in your passion, then there won’t be too much for you to do and the funds will run dry  pretty quickly.

One thing is for sure, life gives us feedback. It is important for us to know our own inherent talents and aptitudes first, and this is something that must be recognised by teachers and parents when guiding children. Secondly, we must have some affinity and enjoyment in the field we pursue. Next there must be demand in the market-place for what we wish to do. And finally, we  must be able to sense whether “nature, the Universe, God” or whatever we wish to call it, is supporting our actions.

When these four align together, a certain buoyancy or flow is experienced,that carries us through all difficulties and challenges.

Know yourself and know the flow!

In Health and Wellness