May 16, 2016

I was grabbing a coffee in Brighton on the weekend before my son’s soccer match and whilst I was queuing up, I saw a lady in her late 30’s to early 40’s who clearly had botched plastic surgery.  I’m sure beyond the damaged facade she was an attractive lady but sadly something had made her go to an extreme measure to try and improve her looks.

plastic surgery

Perhaps I’m mistaken and she had sustained an injury or accident that required intervention, but I suspect she fell prey to the celebrity magazines and media hype that worships all things that look youthful. From a medical perspective, doctors have a responsibility to talk patients out of procedures that are clearly not required. Most plastic and cosmetic surgeons use psychologists as part of the work up and this is mandatory as some people have a distorted body image which is a psychological disorder rather than a medical problem.

Yes it’s nice to look good. We all want that. But the nature of the body is to age and we can do that gracefully or ludicrously. Let’s use those grey hairs and wrinkles as badges of wisdom that represent a life well lived!

In Health and Wellness
