Make a change today- 5 quick health switches….

August 31, 2014

Have you found yourself in a rut that you just can’t shake out of? It’s not that you don’t know what to do to live a healthier life. It all comes back to the same fundamentals- a healthy diet, some daily exercise and movement, a purpose in life, and a reduction in stress. We all want to eat a little better. We all have good intentions to wake up earlier and do some exercise. And so many of us have said that we want to learn how to meditate. Once we are into a good routine and the wheels of healthy momentum are turning then it is easy to keep it going, but making the switch and taking that first step can be the hardest thing to do.

In the Indian tradition of medicine called Ayurveda, there are three basic states called ‘tamas’, ‘rajas’ and ‘sattva’ that are used to describe the nature of the mind. A ‘tamasic’ mind is dull, lazy and resistant to change. A ‘rajasic’ mind is overly active and agitated. And a ‘sattvic’ mind is calm, equanimous and poised. In order to get out of the ‘tamasic’ rut, the principle of movement must be employed. That movement can be as simple as a change- any change. Here are 5 quick switches that you can try to help flick into a new state and move towards greater states of health and wellness.

1) Start with a Walk– start off with 10 minutes and gradually increase to 30 minutes daily. Initially it can be a stroll and eventually it can be a brisk walk. You may find a place where people come to walk such as around the Botanical gardens or along any other walking track. Make sure you enjoy the scenery and nature. Once you feel comfortable walking for 30 minutes, you may like to try a slow jog for 1 minute and a walk for 1 minute. Eventually over time, depending on your age, fitness and general health, you will be able to jog for 30 minutes continuously.

2) Visit a Health retreat or Day Spa– changing environment is a very effective switch. Going to a place such as a Hot Spring complex or a Health retreat where all the choices available are healthy, is a very easy and enjoyable way to switch over to positive choices. Treat yourself to a massage and enjoy the calm and quiet of soaking in a natural hot spring, whilst allowing tensions and stress to drift away. This doesn’t require any effort at all. All you have to do is surrender yourself to relaxing.

3) Make just one dietary change– instead of trying to make monumental changes in your entire diet (which may not be a good idea any way), just make one or two small changes. It maybe as simple as starting the day with some fresh fruit- an apple, a banana, or a pear. You may include one mixed fresh juice every day, or start having a raw salad at lunch time. You may like to try finishing dinner before 7pm and go for a short stroll in the evening to help with the digestive process. Or you may make a conscious choice to reduce sugar. Once you get some momentum with healthy eating habits, you can ultimately work towards an 80:20 balance. 80% healthy, leaving a 20% buffer for treats and indulgences!

4) Grab a buddy– there is no doubt that it is much easier to find motivation when you do activities with a health buddy or in a group. Ideally your health buddy should be at a similar level and have a compatible capacity. There is no point  training with a friend who does ultra-marathons if you haven’t got off the couch for many years. Select a goal to work towards and use that as an anchor that keeps all your activities and habits aligned towards accomplishing the task.

5) Do something completely different– take up a class or activity that you have been wanting to do for a long time. It maybe salsa, swimming,singing, drawing, painting, ice-skating, skiing, surfing, rock-climbing, or scuba diving. Simply taking up a new activity shifts and widens your entire vision. The entire yogic science contains pearls of wisdom. Try a class.

Try these 5 easy tips. Remember, stagnation is a killer. The human organism is like a river that needs to keep moving fresh life and energy into it’s system. These 5 tips will have spillover effects onto all aspects of your life. Remember to focus on yourself and don’t try and preach or sermonise to everyone around you. They will automatically see the difference in the way you look, feel and move, and ask you, “What have you been doing?” or ” How do you look so young?” Little by little you can let them in on the secret!

In Health and Wellness