September 5, 2014

Anyone who truly believes that they are self-made needs to have their head checked. The nature of life is dependency. Whether it is the physical body, relationships, or our planet, nothing lives as an island of it’s own.

When we realize that our whole existence is based on dependency, the only way we can live is with humility.

Take this very physical body. It’s very existence was dependent on a random sperm and egg coming together. The oxygen we breathe is dependent on an exchange with plants, and their existence in turn is dependent on the carbon dioxide we exhale. The bacteria that exist within our gastrointestinal tract are keeping us alive and at the same time we are keeping them alive.

This self-made terminology is usually used to describe an entrepreneur with a unique idea who has made a small fortune. Even they are dependent on the consumer who has endorsed and purchased their product. Even the entrepreneur draws inspiration and ideas from people and the world around them.

You cannot automatically be humble, just like you can’t instantly feel love. An intellectual and experiential understanding that we are all dependent on each other will allow humility to be a natural state of being.

It is healthy to be humble!

In Health and Wellness