Playfulness is good for health….

August 1, 2014

Children grow up so quickly and before we know it they are at the age when they prefer to be with their own friends. They are the best reminders of what it is like to be spontaneous and playful. Sure they don’t have much in the way of responsibilities and pressures, but that is actually the way we are designed to be. Most of the stresses, pressures, and responsibilities that we have are our own choice and doing.

Our 13 year old son is obsessed with soccer and loves playing FIFA 14 on Playstation. Many times this year I have told him to go and do something more useful like kick a real soccer ball. But he does that several times a week already. I now realise that it is important for our relationship to meet him on his terms and get in the playful spirit on the console of Playstation. So in the last week I have been working on my video game skills and actually enjoying it. A little more challenging has been engaging with our 10 year old daughter over Katy Perry songs and make-up, neither of which come naturally to me! But there is always a way, you just need to find the key that fits the lock.

Life is a game that needs to be played skilfully. At times, a serious approach is required, but if that becomes our nature, life becomes very grim. Spend some time around children just playing with them and start to reconnect with the nature of playfulness. It is a very refreshing way to be.