Turn on your zen when the stakes are high!

August 7, 2014

There are times in our lives when tensions run high. It maybe an upcoming exam; the planning of a wedding; the diagnosis of cancer; or a high stakes business deal. These moments are inescapable for all of us living in the world. Acute and chronic stress can have a huge negative impact on our health. For many reasons we need to know how to turn on our inner calm when the stakes are high.

Not only will you be in a better state of mind to make a good decision, but you will also be able to shed the tension rather than let it build up in your system. Though we are all hard-wired differently, we all have the capacity to prepare our systems so that we are enabled to respond with a zen-like calm.

1) Prepare when the road is smooth- every soldier, elite sportsmen, actor, or musician learns his skills in the practice arena first. Only by practicing the art of being calm when times are smooth, will you have any hope of manifesting this when the stakes are high. It is a tough ask to learn meditation when you are going through a challenge. It is far better to learn the skill, so that when the zen is needed, it is already established in your system.

2) Practice the art- you almost need to fake it till you make it. Practice utilising the “head” rather than jumping to reactive emotional decisions. This is a skill that needs to be mindfully utilised in daily life. In moments of high stress, you need to be able to distance yourself from the emotions that naturally run wild, and tap into the rational objective part of your mind, that allows you to look at the situation with dispassion. Your train gets cancelled; or your boss shouts at you; or the waiter brings out the wrong order- how do you react? It is possible to practice the art of zen in many daily situations.

3) Breathe- every martial artist, musician, and sportsmen knows the power of the breath. Conscious breathing will enable you to upregulate the parasympathetic nervous system which is involved in the relaxation response. It is a fine balance between a heightened state of arousal and intensity, along with a steady calm inner balance. Activities such as yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, martial arts will teach you the ability to harness the power of breath.

4) Pause- in almost every situation, there is enough time to pause, reflect and gather ones wits. During this moment you can draw on a memory of success tackling a stressful situation in the past, and you can raise your confidence that you can do it again. Elite performers do this spontaneously. There is no reason why us mere mortals should not utilise these powerful techniques in overcoming our own trials and tribulations.

5) Share the load- sometimes we have to tackle challenges solo, but very often we can share the load with loved ones, friends, family, and colleagues. Simply talking and expressing our worries, fears and concerns, can help shed the stress, and help shift us into a more resourceful state. Once people understand your situation, they will rally around you, and help give you strength to allow you to rise to the challenge. Sharing our difficulties is as sign of strength, not a sign of weakness.

We all have the capacity to turn on our zen. remember the 3P’s- prepare, practice and pause. Additionally. learn about the breath, and learn how it feels to share the load. Most cancer survivors will testify to the usefulness of small group meet ups and discussions with other cancer patients in a similar situation. Feel the fear, harness the breath, and rise to the challenge.

In Health and Wellness