March 15, 2016

In almost every field there seems to be a cliched set of words and terms that are synonymous with that industry. If you search the web for health and wellness, you will find phrases like, “unlock your full potential” or “unleash the power within”. When it comes to business and team activities, everyone these days talks of a “collaborative approach” and “galvanising together”.

Perhaps it’s the cynic in me that squirms a little when I hear these terms, because often they sound like hollow words with no real substance or meaning. They seem to be the words that people want to hear rather than the ones they need to hear! The problem is that if you say what needs to be said, you risk “losing a customer”. The ego of the client has to be massaged with the right language and that’s what sales and marketing is all about.


Recently we had a gent come and present to us at the Royal Melbourne Hospital from a non-medical department. I won’t mention the topic as that would disclose his identity. He was so smooth in the way he dressed, the way he spoke, and the body language he used in order to deliver his message. But at the end of his talk, most of us felt that there was no substance in his words. He ending up sounding like a politician.

So when you talk, present, or write, aim for real! I won’t say authentic because that’s another one of those overused cliched words. Just be real. Be sincere. Be genuine. People aren’t stupid. No matter how polished your presenting skills, there has to be substance that gives life to the words.

Yes, I’m feeling better after that mini-rant!

In Health and Wellness