I’m sure many of you have the feeling that we are going through some kind of bad dream! Corona virus has come like a steam train and turned everything upside down. It is a highly challenging time and it will force everyone to assess everything and in particular how we live our lives.
In 2015, I wrote a book called “Meditation & Martini- the subtle cocktail of balance, wellness and happiness”. In many ways the corona virus serves as a reminder to us about the delicate balance of the planet and the ecosystems. We all have to self reflect on this fact and see how we can better respect the planet and reduce our impact. If climate change was not enough of a reminder, then corona virus is.
I hope that you are coping OK.

Below is an excerpt from my book that is in preparation. I hope it gives some hope and solace.
“Have you ever made a commitment to get healthy then come down with a raging flu or pull a neck muscle? Damn!!!
Sometimes life seems really cruel.
All our good intentions get sidelined and we go back to our same old habits. Have you ever noticed in your own life that there are times when everything seems to fall into place, and there are other times when the simplest tasks are a sheer struggle?
It is sometimes difficult to understand why these things happen.
We blame the planets, the full moon, the seasons. At other times we think it’s our preordained astrological configuration or bad karma committed in previous lives! These are all methods the human mind uses to rationalise what is happening. Useful? Yes maybe. Real? Who really knows!
Sometimes it is just “the time”, and as with everything, time passes and moves into another phase. That is the reality of life.
Life can never be without change. Lack of change is stagnation, and stagnation is death. So when it comes to health, it is important to embrace change. This applies to the body, mind and spirit.
Do those things that help us to stay in health, but accept the fact that there will be fluctuations and turbulence along the way. There are too many factors outside our control.
In the meantime, enjoy the good times, hold tight in the tough times, and expect the next time to bring something new!“